How badly do you really want to be like Jesus?! Do you want just His benefits, or do you want to take on His nature? Because to identify with Christ, you must also identify with pain. The pain is necessary for us to access the promises God has given us.

December 8, 2020

Why Pain is Necessary?

young troubled woman using laptop at home


Demetrius Minor

Regret can either paralyze you or move you to action. As with almost everything, you have options. Do you have to forgive? No, you can choose not to. However, like Dr. Seuss’s famous character, The Grinch, this decision will debilitate you, weigh you down, and keep you locked into thoughts and feelings of negativity. It is much easier to hold onto regret, anger, and feelings of disappointment that match your disposition. However, hope, resilience, redemption, and renewal can spring from your decision to forgive.

November 30, 2020

Regret and Forgiveness


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

If we were to review the year, there’s a lot to be negative about. There’s an ongoing pandemic that is sickening family members and putting cities in lockdowns and restrictions. There’s the aftermath of racial tension and riots that have us beckoning for not only healing but understanding for the complexity of issues that we may not understand. There’s political chaos and uncertainty as America prepares to usher in a new administration.

November 25, 2020

Thankful for Trouble?


Demetrius Minor

My father always refused the last piece of pie at Thanksgiving. If it was offered to him, he would give it to another. As a child, his way confused me and instilled wonder in me. As an adult, I’ve grown to understand my father’s self-restraint and relegation as a position of strength and humility. — Every family has traditions; sometimes they are rooted in rich meaning. What lies behind your family’s customs?

November 23, 2020

The Last Piece of Pie


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

It’s time to lean into the Word. This is such a sad and distressing time for so many Americans. The anger and disappointment are palpable; normally even-keeled people are reeling from the realization that our nation is a piping hot mess.  Christians aren’t immune to cultural strictures, but we are supposed to know what to […]

November 18, 2020

We Don’t Shrink Back…

SOTR images


Stacy Washington

In the midst of national chaos, many of us just long for peace and normalcy. Our country is in desperate need of healing and unity. But before you can desire this, you must be bold enough to want to be different.

November 17, 2020

Unity that Divides


Demetrius Minor

When friendships are rough and emotions are high, it takes courage to stay engaged and push through the challenge. When we persevere, we can find healing, and a deeper connection that is impossible otherwise. Friendship is a gift that we must protect and fight for.

November 16, 2020

Friendships, Part 3


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Cultivating a friendship requires outward focus – our relationship grows deeper when we intentionally affirm, encourage and take interest in another person rather than trying to impress them. In order to nurture a true friendship, we must evaluate our motives and intentions. Does our desire for relationship flow from our own needs? or are we ready to genuinely invest ourselves in the process?

November 9, 2020

Friendships, Part 2


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Friendship is one of the greatest blessings we can receive and give. What makes a friendship good? How can we be a good friend? And why is it important to be in relationship? Let’s take a deeper look at the friendships in our lives and consider how we can nurture them.

November 2, 2020

Friendships, Part 1


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Christians must be acutely aware of what is at stake during this election season. We must participate in conversations with our families and peers about the importance of our religious freedoms and liberties. But within our discussions, there should also be the reassuring peace that no singular politician can take away. There must be the remembrance that the Lord is Sovereign and that those who live for him have no reason to fear or doubt. Do not let fear paralyze you! We serve the Prince of Peace! And HE is the antidote to all our fears!

October 30, 2020

Paralysis of Fear

Don't let fear paralyze you


Demetrius Minor

There is this attempt within our mainstream way of living to silence the critics. There is a movement that desires to eradicate any voice of dissent. This is evident with the ‘cancel culture’ revolution, which is the phenomenon of promoting the “canceling” of people, brands, and even shows and movies due to what some consider to be offensive or problematic remarks or ideologies. But what we are witnessing in the latter days of this unconventional year of 2020 is not just a cancellation of alternative views or the suppression of free speech. It is an outright crucifixion.

October 27, 2020

The Crucifixion of Christianity


Demetrius Minor

I got “ducked” on a beautiful night last week. Leaving Cottleville Wine Sellars, my friends and I returned to my Jeep to find a small, yellow, masked, rubber ducky sitting on my door handle. I was at once amused and then a bit nervous as to what it meant. I cautiously picked up the little fellow and read it’s card aloud, “Holy Duck…I love your Jeep! Stay calm and duck on! Share a smile and share a duck!” We all laughed in delightful surprise. How and why did ducking begin, I wondered?

October 26, 2020

I Got Ducked!


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

I recently witnessed a young mother take two lollipops out of her purse and hand one to each of her children. The candy was to occupy them quietly so that she could return to her conversation. However, her strategy backfired as her daughter shouted that she wanted the red lollipop that her brother had been given. Thus began the back and forth tussle of jealousy that robbed both children of the pleasure of enjoying an unexpected, sweet treat and their mother of enjoying a much-needed adult conversation.

October 19, 2020

Facing Jealousy


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

There is so much anxiety about the upcoming November 3rd presidential election. It’s as if we have never had an election like this. Expressions of heightened anxiety are openly shared all over social media. In times such as these, we must pause and take stock of the situation. As Christians, we know that God works […]

October 14, 2020

A Word Of Encouragement for the Election

Stacy's copy of the Shepherd book


Stacy Washington

As we greet autumn and begin looking forward to the holiday season, many of us are apprehensive about how our celebrations may be changing this year. Don’t lose hope if you are dreading the disruption of long-honored traditions this year. Even in the midst of our most difficult struggles, we can find hope, thankfulness, and contentment.

October 12, 2020

Meaningful Traditions and Change

nature red forest leaves


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

In this life, we will walk through fire, hardship and turmoil. These trials produce meaningful growth that we don’t experience during periods of tranquility and peace. As Christians, what hope can we cling to as we go through periods of hardship in our personal lives, and as a country?

October 5, 2020

Thru the Fire


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Life won’t ever stop throwing us curveballs, so how can we make the most of frustrating situations? When we take stock of what’s going on inside us, we can intentionally choose to be responsive rather than reactive, and ultimately diffuse tension.

September 28, 2020

Get out of my way, please!


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Lying is harmful. But it causes a rush that can trick your brain and essentially make you feel good about lying. The feeling is fleeting, and ultimately hurtful. Can honesty work the same way?

September 21, 2020

I’m Lying. Believe Me.


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

What do you focus on when life gets difficult? And does that focus help you move forward, or hold you back?

September 9, 2020

Focus, Frustration, Fear or Freedom


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Today, many are mourning the loss of well-earned and long-awaited celebrations. How can we celebrate these milestones in the face of restrictive gathering laws?

September 2, 2020

Expectations, Milestones and COVID-19


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Now that both parties have held their conventions, here is a quick summary of both party platforms you can share with your family, friends, and church community before we all go to the polls on November 3rd!

August 29, 2020

Party Platform Comparison

Donkey and elephant with an American flag in the background


Fred Zielonko

Who controls what can and can’t be posted on social media? Who gives them that authority? And what is being hidden from you?

August 4, 2020

The truth about COVID censorship.

Website content blocked by censored stamp.


Fred Zielonko

In his July 2020 newsletter, Dr. James Dobson writes about division in our country and describes two different Americas. One defined by the noble characteristics we all love about our country. And the “other America,” which Dobson describes as…

July 15, 2020

The “Other America”


Family Vision Media

Preserving religious freedom means being persistent and being prepared to fight on many fronts. The tenacious nuns of The Little Sisters of the Poor understood this when they rejected the mandate that employers pay for their employees’ birth control under President Obama’s Affordable Health Care Act.

July 10, 2020

How can you preserve religious freedom?


Fred Zielonko