Consider that most conversations surrounding mask requirements focus solely on restrictions and control, which certainly exist. But there are also unexpected freedoms afforded by mask-wearing. I know individuals who have voiced an appreciation of these unexpected freedoms and social interactions.

April 22, 2021

You are Visible


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

A spiritual church is one that not only encounters persecution, but embraces it. If everyone is a cheerleader of your acts, you’re doing something wrong. Persecution is healthy. It’s proof that the church can endure growing pains.
What questions should the church ask when it comes to persecution?

April 16, 2021

How To Be A Spiritual Church In A Secular Society


Demetrius Minor

We have debated continuously about the interpretation of the Constitution and government role, but there is something that supersedes the rule of man: The Word of God!

March 26, 2021

The Constitution of the Church


Demetrius Minor

The Italian plural word confetti originates from the Latin confectum, meaning “small sweet”. It symbolizes the sweet blessings in life. The sweetest blessings are often the fruit of hard work, discipline, planning and sacrifice. They often include difficult, bitter seasons. But are those bitter moments part of the blessing?

March 24, 2021



Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

In a time and age of economic peril, we have seen many lose hope, faith, and trust. Many Americans have seen their financial security totally collapse due to COVID, lockdowns, and economic uncertainty. While the government is looking for solutions to combat this pandemic, I believe the answer is simple: Americans need to decrease their dependence on the government.

March 10, 2021

America: Your Day Of Liberation Has Come


Demetrius Minor

Rep. Steube was speaking eloquently about gender norms and connecting those norms to sound Biblical doctrine and said, “Whenever a nation’s laws no longer reflect the standards of God, that nation is in rebellion against Him and will inevitably bear the consequences.”

February 26, 2021

Blasphemer: Rep. Nadler says, “God’s will, is no concern of this Congress”

Rep Steube speaks on the House Floor


Stacy Washington

I’ll never forget my first encounter with opposition to my political views. As it happens with so many of us, the incident began and ended on the villiage of Facebook. The issue was Planned Parenthood having a say in the sex education cu

February 26, 2021

Sooner or Later, We All Get Canceled.

Scripture image by SOTR


Stacy Washington

We will have obstacles, pain, and hardships in our life. If we allow them to, they will cloud our opportunities, happiness, and focus. A radical shift is often needed to flip our perspective to one of purpose, peace, and prospect.

February 25, 2021

Obstacles or Opportunities?


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

What a strong indictment it would be upon believers if we were to call ourselves Christians but not have the name of Jesus branded upon us. We can ill-afford to be generic or have a mediocre, pedestrian approach to our faith. There must be something about us that sticks out from everyone else: Our authenticity and our identity.

February 24, 2021

Generic or Name Brand?


Demetrius Minor

In the midst of the turbulence of 2020, Demetrius Minor remembered a challenge given by his pastor to make good use of our quarantine time: step out of your comfort zone and do something bold and new. What happened as a result?

February 8, 2021

Sunflower Seeds


Demetrius Minor

The term “caveat emptor” is a Latin term that means “let the buyer beware.” Its use as a disclaimer of warranties arises from the fact that buyers typically have less information than the seller about the goods or services they are purchasing. Defects in the goods or services may be hidden from the buyer and only known to the seller. The Church needs to become aware of some things. The enemy, the antagonist of our soul, Satan himself, is trying to sell the Church a message of anxiety and fear through a pandemic and crises.

January 29, 2021

Caveat Emptor

unrecognizable man holding wallet with money


Demetrius Minor

Many will abandon the message of truth. Many will say that repentance and baptism and the infilling of God’s Spirit is no longer essential. Many will say that living holy and being separate from the world is no longer required. Now is the church’s time to protest against sin, but not the foundation of our freedoms: The Word of God.

January 21, 2021

Be Careful What you Protest


Demetrius Minor

Censorship is an attack on our right to speak freely. But what can be done to stop big tech companies from wielding their power? There is a simple, peaceful resolution. Read on to find out what you can do today!

January 16, 2021

Ending Censorship: What You Can Do Today!


Fred Zielonko

It’s within our nature to desire upgrades. When we get to the airport, we’re excited to learn we’ll go from flying coach to flying first class. There’s a sense of satisfaction when we get the Audi AUV instead of the Toyota Camry we expected from the rental agency. But it is not technology that encourages us to upgrade to better resources; it’s a scriptural promise.

January 14, 2021

You’re Eligible For An Upgrade!


Demetrius Minor

Most parents desire to shelter their children from discomfort, pain, and fear. Despite our efforts, there will be times when our children will experience emotional or physical distress. – Using the acronym G.R.I.T., you’ll learn four steps you can use to help children manage stress, recover from trauma and adversity, and build resilience.

January 12, 2021

Facing Challenges (Building Resilience, Part 3)


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Anthropologists believe that storytelling is important to human existence. We use stories to make sense of our world, find meaning, and share understanding. Fairy tales teach values, ethics, social and cultural norms and differences in an inspiring and captivating manner. Listeners learn how to imagine, problem-solve, identify with others, and practice respectful listening.

January 7, 2021

Once upon a time… (Building Resilience, Part 2)


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Some Christians believe fairy tales are hurtful to children and may tempt them away from their Christian faith. In fact, fairy tales provide a wonderful foundation upon which to build a Christian perspective. Consider Pinocchio, Chronicles of Narnia, or the Legends of King Arthur. J.R. Tolkien believed fairy tales to be essential for all humanity. Tolkien said stories are needed so we can see that fairy tales are fulfilled in Christianity. Both Scripture and fairy tales point to our human weakness and our need for help. We share stories not to scare our children but to demonstrate their great need for God.

December 31, 2020

Four Ways Fairy-Tales Inspire Bravery (Building Resilience, Part 1)


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Living for God is the best thing one could ever do. Christian living encompasses freedom and liberty from the curse of sin and shame. However, living for God isn’t always easy. It is not a cakewalk or a stroll along the sands of the beach. During your walk with God, you will face rejection, persecution, and sorrow, but the Bible tells us that he that endures to the end shall be saved.

December 23, 2020

God Loves The Rejected Heart


Demetrius Minor

What does “home for the holidays” look like to you? There are some expectations of change as children marry into other families with traditions of their own. It helps to focus on the blessings of these unions and less on the changes they bring to our celebrations. After all, the most important consistency of our Christmas is the Christmas Story itself. The story of a love so grand, so infinite, that God came down to live among us, and to teach us so that we might live and celebrate forever. We have forever to celebrate! Our time together is not finite because our Lord has prepared a place for us in our forever home with Him. He wants us to want to go home.

December 22, 2020

The Christmas Story


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

So called Pastor Warnock started a firestorm when he innocently tweeted that he is a “pro-choice pastor.” This was meant to burnish his credentials with the powerful abortion lobby led by Planned Parenthood and Naral, who are spending copious amounts of money in Georgia on the Senate runoff race. Instead, the tweet has brought the […]

December 15, 2020

There is no such thing as a pro-choice pastor!


Stacy Washington

In a day and age where compromising integrity seems to be a regular occurrence, it’s imperative that believers don’t compromise their morals and faith. Our faith is our identity, and we must never discount it or put it in a proverbial garage sale simply for political convenience or for the sake of gaining popularity.

December 15, 2020

Don’t Put Your Faith in a Garage Sale


Demetrius Minor

As promised, here is my two-cents worth of advice to complete our 3-part discussion. This time of year, we tend to reflect and assess our lives, purpose, and impact on others. Invariably, there are people we have hurt and repairs we ought to make. Likewise, there are people who have hurt us that we ought to forgive. Forgiveness is powerful and important for the extender and the receiver. Forgiving releases both the forgiver and the forgiven from the imprisonment of resentment and negativity so that each can experience the fullness of God’s love in us and through us. I make it sound easy, don’t I? I do not mean to. In fact, extending forgiveness is exceedingly difficult…

December 14, 2020

Regret and Forgiveness, Part 3


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz

Shorter Stacy: “Virtual learning isn’t working for American kids.” In the big scheme of things, one might consider the number of children earning F’s in school jumping from 8 percent to 38 percent a serious problem. Parents do. But Teachers Unions and public school administrators seem immune to the educational carnage. When I was asked […]

December 11, 2020

No One Is Listening To Parents About Virtual Learning

Screengrab of American Agenda on NewsmaxTV


Stacy Washington

Struggling through the stages of regret and self-blame can be beneficial. Like Scrooge, who visited Christmas past, the struggle can allow us to grow in character and clarity and understand what is important, valuable, and meaningful. Such clarity and understanding clears our mind of the heavy cloud of guilt so we can show up, see the colors of life, and intentionally move towards mending the pains of our present and past comportment.

December 9, 2020

Regret and Forgiveness, Part 2


Dr. Marie Yvette Seltz