I’ll never forget my first encounter with opposition to my political views. As it happens with so many of us, the incident began and ended on the villiage of Facebook. The issue was Planned Parenthood having a say in the sex education curriculum in our children’s public school and boy was I in for a rough ride.
The dust up began with my posting what I felt was a bland and widely held belief: the abortion industry has no place influencing curriculum in public schools. After posting that view and replying to comments in agreement and opposition to my view, I noticed my direct messages were piling up.
I clicked through to one from a mom whose name seemed familiar to me. She disagreed vehemently with my post and took me to task for being fake: as she saw it, now that she knew I opposed abortion every other thing she knew about me was false. In her mind I could not be kind, a great mom, someone fun to volunteer with, and her children could never again grace our home!
As I read, I began to shake a bit. It felt as if she had slapped me across the face. Clicking away from her message I had to decide right then and there if I would be public in my political views because she wasn’t an outlier, the comments proved that many people held the “pro-choice” (choice being a neat euphemism for abortion) viewpoint.
It was clear to me that being silent wasn’t an option so I made up my mind to speak the truth when and where it was needed regardless of the consequences. How much hate could there be? I shrugged it off and carried on.
This incident became a frequent one; in guest hosting and doing a lot of radio appearances, my views made me a target for angry people wanting to vent. My first go-round with emailed hatred was an email with “I enjoy your radio appearances on 97.1”. Well, that looked like a nice email, and once it was opened I regretted the decision immediately; it was three paragraphs of profane insults over political views I expressed on the radio that morning.
It was so vile, and personally insulting I had trouble dealing with it, so I called a friend in politics who’d been doing radio and tv longer than I had. She asked me if I “really wanted to be over the target” or “was this a fair weather thing” for me? I knew the answer immediately. But how should I handle the hate?
For a while I posted it on my blog, thinking that shaming the haters would serve a purpose, perhaps they would not want to see their private vitriol on my blog? Of course it didn’t help. In chatting with another political pundit I realized that the Bible had the answer and it was up to me to pray for my enemies. And to pray that God would strengthen me for the battle.
In the ten plus years since, hundreds of messages of every type have come through, and sometimes I still get rattled. But. As long as God is my source and the views I hold comport with His word, I need fear no man. The Bible says the enemy cannot touch me.
But friends can drop me and that has happened. A lot. But for every friend lost, God has sent powerful, faith-filled, intelligent, loving replacements, far more friends than I can actually maintain close relationships with!
As things, progress and liberals seek to force everyone into compliance by threatening to “cancel” those who refuse to comply, those casual and sometimes deep friendships with liberals will end, in a painfully abrupt fashion. Don’t fret. God always goes before us to prepare the way! He promises to never leave or forsake us and God cannot lie.
Don’t be afraid to tell the truth about what you believe and why. How else can we disciple people into the Kingdom? Speak out; quietly, forcefully and lovingly, as Jesus did. We are His people; a royal priesthood clothed in white made perfect with God through His work on the Cross. We have nothing to fear from any man because as Christians we are Eternally Cancel Proof.
Besides, how can we do anything less after all that Christ has done for us?
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Congratulations for being a good person. Thank you for all you have done and do.