For thoughtful discussions of religious liberty issues facing the church in this challenging culture, tune in every Monday to Liberty Action Alert with Dr. Gregory Seltz to hear Biblical perspectives for twenty-first century Christians living in two kingdoms: The kingdom of this world and as heavenly citizens of the Kingdom of God. Take Dr. Seltz's "food for thought" to your family dinner table for sharing - Then, be sure to watch the Liberty Action Alert Facebook broadcasts Wednesday at 2 PM.


Dr. Gregory Seltz


Can western “ethnic agitation laws” become American “secular blasphemy laws,” where orthodox Christianity is by definition “illegal?”

January 26, 2023


Marching in a Post-Roe America, refocuses the national pro-life movement to a state-by-state engagement.

January 18, 2023


What’s going on at Disney and what should Christian parents do about it for their children and their culture?

January 12, 2023


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz and his guest, ADF’s Ryan Tucker, Senior Counsel and Director of the Center for Christian Ministries with Alliance Defending Freedom as they look back on 2022 and look ahead to 2023 focusing the Church’s public voice in the public square. It truly is the “best of times and the worst of times,” the time for the church to more effectively engage the culture for the sake of the culture and the mission of the Church.

January 5, 2023


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz with reflections of the message of Christmas amidst the challenges and opportunities of life in 2022-2023. Rejoice anew with the shepherds of that first Christmas Eve. Reflect on the profundity and clarity of the message of the angels. And, keep it simple in your life….faith in this child changes everything. Living in freedom in America is a blessing, yes, because it gives us freedom to be faithful to Him and to serve others in His name without fear.

December 27, 2022


This week on The Liberty Action Alert with Greg Seltz, join Dr. Seltz and his guest, John Stonestreet, President of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview, and co-host with Eric Metaxas of Breakpoint, the Christian worldview radio program and Tim Goeglein is Vice President of External and Government Relations for Focus on the Family as they discuss the seismic shift in culture.

December 22, 2022


Join Dr. Seltz and his guest, Emma Waters, discuss the full range of implications for the passage of the “Respect for Marriage Act”

December 13, 2022


Join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guests, Mike Berry, as they discuss the key religious liberty cases in 2022 and opportunities for the Church because of them.

December 2, 2022


In view of the victory of the “Dobb’s” case, listen in with Dr. Seltz and his special guest, Mr. James Bopp, for what can concerned citizens do right now.

October 21, 2022


Join Dr. Seltz and his guest, Mr. Kelly Shackelford, as they talk about the latest Supreme Court victories.

October 17, 2022


Join Dr. Seltz and his guest, Rear Admiral Gregory Todd, Chief of Chaplains, talking “spiritual readiness” for those in combat

October 10, 2022


Tune in as we continue with the special, re-presentation of the “Defense Sunday” sermon of the first speaker of the Lutheran Hour, Dr. Walter A. Maier.

September 22, 2022


Tune in for a very special program with Dr. Seltz speaking “again” the very powerful message from Dr. Walter A. Maier, titled “God is our Defense.”

September 14, 2022


Join Dr. Seltz and his guest, Virginia Prodan, as they speak about the evils of communism, defending religious liberty, and sharing our faith.

September 7, 2022


Dr. Seltz and his guest discuss how the school board has implemented policy to lie to parents about gender transition issues with their children at school.

August 31, 2022


Join Dr. Seltz and his guest discuss how Roe has created polarization and vitriol in our society.

August 24, 2022


Join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guest, FRC’s David Closson, talking about his article, “4 Compelling Reasons for the Senate to Oppose Redefining Marriage.”

August 11, 2022


Week in review, talking about cultural engagement with a 2KG mindset to bless the culture amidst the chaos, and undergird the mission of the Church?

August 5, 2022


Join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guest speaking about the secular, socialist movement in the American culture to liquidate the Judeo-Christian worldview.

July 27, 2022


Join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guests as they discuss the First Liberty’s “religious liberty initiative for the work place.”

July 14, 2022



July 6, 2022


Join Dr. Gregory Seltz and Rev. Fred Hinz discussing religious liberty issues, pro-life issues, and educational freedom issues at the state level.

June 30, 2022


This week on The Liberty Alert, join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guest, Stacy McGhee (Hoeft), as they discuss “Hosanna Tabor Supreme Court Case”

June 24, 2022


Join Dr. Gregory Seltz and his guests as they discuss the legal, the cultural, and the faith perspective on some vital issues.

June 20, 2022
