Lawful immigration is a wonderful thing that benefits our country and those who come in. What is happening at our country’s southern border is a tragedy. Stacy’s guest shares hers perspective as a lawful immigrant.

April 30, 2021

Episode 684: Patrice Onwuka, Director at the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women's Forum


Stacy Washington


God’s Word tells us to care for the foreigner in our land. How do we reconcile that with the mandate to maintain a sovereign nation? How should Christians respond to the crisis at the border? Pastor Copeland has two Hispanic churches that operate under the banner of his church. He explains how he can honor God’s Word while holding a lawful immigration stance.

April 20, 2021

Pastor Copeland on America’s illegal immigration woes: God’s Word has the answer.

Stacy on the Right

Stacy Washington
