Lawful immigration is a wonderful thing that benefits our country and those who come in. What is happening at our country’s southern border is a tragedy. Stacy’s guest shares hers perspective as a lawful immigrant.

April 30, 2021

Episode 684: Patrice Onwuka, Director at the Center for Economic Opportunity at the Independent Women's Forum


Stacy Washington


As Christians, our faith in Christ is the foundation of everything we do, but many people are moving away from their faith. As we move toward Christ, we find ourselves pushing against the grain of culture. Fear is rampant. It seems the greatest nation in the world is on the verge of self-destruction. And yet, we have hope, not in ourselves or our ability to preserve our way of life, but in something greater that will endure even when everything in our world turns upside-down.

April 27, 2021

Demetrius Minor, Minister and Youth Pastor on life as a Christian and Conservative!

Stacy on the Right

Stacy Washington


God’s Word tells us to care for the foreigner in our land. How do we reconcile that with the mandate to maintain a sovereign nation? How should Christians respond to the crisis at the border? Pastor Copeland has two Hispanic churches that operate under the banner of his church. He explains how he can honor God’s Word while holding a lawful immigration stance.

April 20, 2021

Pastor Copeland on America’s illegal immigration woes: God’s Word has the answer.

Stacy on the Right

Stacy Washington


Phil leads an amazing successful media group in Hollywood which is openly unfriendly to Christians. “So many Christians get nervous and afraid when it comes to sharing their faith with friends, co-workers, or family. In fact, the statistics have long been pretty bleak. In 2012, LifeWay Research reported what they described as “distressing results” indicating that 61 percent of evangelical Christians fail to share their faith on a regular basis, even though they believe it is their responsibility to do so. Moreover, nearly half of those respondents said they have not invited a non-Christian friend to church in the past six months.” – Phil Cooke

April 16, 2021

Phil Cooke: Co-Founder of The Cooke Media Group, Executive Producer of Hillsong ‘Let Hope Rise’ Film

Stacy on the Right

Stacy Washington


Is there a crisis at the border? A record number of minors have crossed the border unaccompanied by an adult. These children end up in border holding facilities because their parents believe they’ll find a better life in our America. What can we do with them once they’re here? How do we respond with compassion, without overloading our cities, schools, and foster systems?

April 9, 2021

Karol Markowicz, Columnist for the New York Post

Stacy on the Right

Stacy Washington


From the Mandalorian’s Gina Carano to everyday citizens, Americans are becoming uncomfortably aware of just how easy it is to be canceled. What can we do about it? Vivek is a brilliant legal mind and serial entrepreneur who has done the heavy lifting for us! Not only are we protected from being fired for holding non woke viewpoints on political and social issues, but we can also defend ourselves against the actions of the woke mob.

March 31, 2021

Attorney and Author Vivek Ramaswamy Lays Out the Legal Remedy for Cancel Culture

Stacy on the Right

Stacy Washington


Censorship is an attack on our right to speak freely. But what can be done to stop big tech companies from wielding their power? There is a simple, peaceful resolution. Read on to find out what you can do today!

January 16, 2021

Ending Censorship: What You Can Do Today!

In the News

Fred Zielonko
